Friday, August 7, 2009

One week later...

One week has passed since we arrived. I have been pleasantly surprised by the genuine welcoming hospitality of the neighbors, the citizens, and my co-workers. I sense there was skepticism if I would appreciate coming to Zurich, and it was correctly assessed. I was skeptical. Now I am looking forward to experiencing Switzerland and Europe as I have received nothing but helpful and genuinely caring / friendly tips and ideas.

We are considering our options for tomorrow. We can:
a) go to the annual Zurich Street Parade.
b) go to Sihlcity Mall and shop for small appliances and electronics, then go swimming in a pool in the lake at Horgen.
c) take a train to Zermatt and have a look at something found in a photo on Grandma Betty's wall, taken by Grandma Betty.
d) or stay at home, and I can prepare for stressful work discussions (I work in the big gray building to the right, and people paraglide during work hours from the hills on the left) over the next few weeks, starting on Monday.

I'm thinking option "d".

In other news, add "air conditioning" to the things I terribly miss. I am miserably hot, and my mushy body shape adds heat when I walk, when I sit, when I breathe. I asked a very friendly Swiss colleague today (someone whom I don't know but sits in the same area) about the window vents.

me: I'm new here. No one seems to be opening these vents. Is there a specific reason?
him: (stare, seemingly with confusion)
me: ... I mean, it is kind of hot in here.
him: So, you're wearing a long sleeve dress shirt, an undershirt, a tie, and it's the middle of August. Maybe if you weren't dressed for winter, it wouldn't seem so hot to you.
me: (stare, seemingly with confusion)
him: ... otherwise, no, the vents won't help us since it is the same temperature out there that is in here.


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