Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last minute tasks

Over the last couple of months, I’ve followed Cousin Brent’s facebook page with increased interest. There is one pretty cool app he uses from which somehow maps his bike route. I have no idea how this works. I haven't asked him. And I haven't used it even though I am constantly on the run, bike, and/or swim...

Brent is a guy who has a disciplined exercise capability. He can bike 672 miles, run 221 miles, and swim 396 miles, all within 2 hours… or something like that, not exactly sure since I’m not really a sports fanatic. I do aspire to be like this, but my diet of Ho-Hos and Ben & Jerry's seems to take a higher priority. So I could have used Brent’s “see where I went” map capability today as I participated in our day-before-flight-out chores.

Since I don’t have this app, I’ve improvised a little, and attempted to draw it onto an image. Keep in mind, it’s not really to scale or anything fancy.

1. 9am, Kris, Gus, and I take the SUV and head toward the bagel shop, and Kris’ 7-11 where her coveted diet coke fountain dispenser lives.
2. 9:00:24, turn around because the buyer of the Honda is an hour early, waiting in our driveway.
3. Sell the car, get back into SUV, head toward bagel shop.
4. Get bagel sandwiches.
5. Concurrently, Kris walks across street to 7-11. Returns with coveted fountain super big gulp diet coke.
6. Drive to Westy’s storage, look at 175 sq ft of storage space, get free truck, drive home.
7. Pack 30 boxes into free truck, barely making 2 rows of 5 high.
8. Interrupted by someone buying Gus’ bed and Sarah’s chest of drawers. Stop what I’m doing, help them pack their furniture into the back of their small pickup.
9. Start to lug another box when Kris asks me if I can follow her to the used car lot to sell her SUV. I lock up the truck, get the kids in the van, but my instructions change midway on where I am to go.
10. I am now to meet Kris at the bank in New Fairfield. She is getting something notarized and depositing some cash from the sale of the Honda. We wait in the parking lot in the van.
11. Kris then comes out, tells me to now to go 5 Guys in Brookfield, and she’ll take the cable boxes to Charter in Danbury. Oh boy. I’m on a scavenger hunt now?
12. I drive the kids to 5 Guys in Brookfield, we eat, we wait for Mommy to arrive.
13. We leave from 5 Guys, we follow Mommy toward the used car lot because she has GPS. On the way, Kris does a last-second-three-lane-switch from the left lane on a freeway, first in front of a barreling semi in the middle lane. She then slows down even further in front of the semi, not just to make her turn, but because she wants me to get in front of her. She believes her SUV can hold off the feathery semi whose air brakes are now smoking. Instead of my taking her queue from the left lane, and pulling a 3-lane dipsey-doo in a monster white rental van with literally 25 feet of space at 55 mph, I opt for the safer route and look for the next exit. In my more nimble years, I might have tried it. She exits from the middle lane in time. I have to back-track on back roads for another 15 minutes.
14. Now, Gina GPS winds Kris (and we are tailing) through lovely neighborhoods for another 25 minutes to get to Bethel. Gina must have had a rough night the previous night. She could have used some Advil.
15. We drive past the used car dealer.
16. We circle back to the used car dealer. I can’t fit into the parking lot in my beast, so I pull around the corner. We sell the SUV.
17. We drive as a soccer team with 10 missing players in super-van to the Danbury DMV to turn in the plates, but on the way we stop at a Brookfield Bank of America to deposit our SUV check.
18. Next, we drive to the New Fairfield town hall to turn in the DMV receipts, so that we can get a happy refund on our personal property taxes… to be delivered at some point in the future to who knows what address.
19. We all drive home. Kris and Gus exit the super-van because Gus is going to a friend’s house. Kris has committed to continue the packing of the truck because she doesn’t feel comfortable driving Sarah to her doctor’s appointment in super-van after holding off a semi with her bare hands.
20. I have 15 minutes to make it to Sarah’s doctor follow-up appointment by 3:45p (she fractured her pinky on the first day of camp 2 weeks ago, has been wearing a brace… “all is healing nicely” says doctor).
21. I drive Sarah back home, making one pit-stop at 7-11 as her reward for her quitting the glomming in the doctor’s office. As I am rounding the corner to my street, Kris calls. “Where are you? The truck has to be back in 15 minutes at 5:30! They close at 6!” I pull into the driveway to find 4 boxes that Kris seemingly had time to stack in the garage while I spent the last 90 minutes at the doctor’s office. Kris puts her 4 boxes into the truck.
22. I get into the truck and drive back to Westy’s storage to unload my highly productive day of non-box productivity. Kris has found the courage to drive super-van so that I have a way home. I get stuck 5 minutes away as the road gets shut down with emergency equipment. And, my cell phone battery is dead. Emergency equipment finally clears, I’m allowed to complete my mission. I begin to unload with 15 minutes remaining until they close. I finished at 6:02p thanks to their handy carts, and a rush of frustration adrenaline. Sarah kindly reminded me to leave the Sassy Pants behind.
23. I drive super-van home with Kris and Sarah. Jump in the shower. Sarah’s friend is delivered to the door.
24. We drive back to New Fairfield to eat a late dinner at Biscotti’s. I like Biscotti’s.
25. After a lovely dinner filled with giggles, we take Sarah’s friend home, stop off at Gus’ friend’s house to pick up Gus, humbly ask them sign our wills as witnesses, hug and kiss them good-bye.
26. We drive home as a happy family, prepare ourselves for bed so that we are fresh for driving super-van to JFK tomorrow. Kris continues whatever she does late into the morning.

Me: It seems you were able to get a lot on your list done today.

Her: Omg, drop it already! So what if we have to pay an extra hundred dollars to the movers?? Get your priorities straight and pack your last suit case.

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