Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Carrying a camera makes you a target of attention. Most often, pictures with people in them are a "no no" here for a couple of important reasons. 1) Discretion will be maintained at all times as a core value. 2) Sometimes nudity happens; refer back to #1.

As an American, I am hard-wired to be embarrassed at witnessing nudity. Europeans advertise it. To a European, I am laughed at because of my obvious allergic reaction to silly things like nude statues, or moreso happening upon a cabaret club while walking to a restaurant with my wife. It's very entertaining to see me squirm at something that was clearly intended to be appreciated, a human body. Lots of faux pas stories exist about spas, in and outside the country. So stuffy to be an American. To me, I laugh because I can't get the picture out of my head of Virginia and Roger Clarvin, aka Rachel Dratch and Will Ferrell on Saturday Night Live as the hot tub lovers. To an American, flaunting nudity means somethings completely different.

Anyway, be careful here with exposing... cameras...

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