Monday, October 26, 2009

Mein Gott! Silence the bells!

I grew up in a smallish midwestern town, Blue Springs, a suburb of Kansas City, another smallish midwestern city. I went to a church in a smallish midwestern town, Raytown, a suburb of Kansas City. Not once did I hear church bells. Not even once. I DID hear church organs, people singing, a preacher giving a sermon or a prayer, people shaking hands, enjoying their fellowship, and every once in a while some dumbass doing donuts in his Pontiac Grand Prix in the parking lot.

Here, in fun Switzerland, every hour on the hour the church bells toll. Every half hour, on the half hour, church bells toll. On Saturdays and Sundays, the church bells have fits, randomly to me because I have no schedules and I don't speak German. On Sunday, at 9:50am local time, the entire area for as far as my old ears can hear erupt into mass chaos, whether I'm ready to awaken or not.

So that you can also share in the enjoyment, here's a video example of me, ducking under the Berkowitsch, then doing what I can to leave the frame of view... because, you know, I'm shy.

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