Thursday, October 15, 2009


Talking about the weather in Switzerland is considered polite small talk. Right now, it is 2 Celsius. To me, that's 35 degrees in Fahrenheit. I don't speak German. Fahrenheit looks like a German word to me, (I know it is the name of the Polish dude who created this measurement system) but for the raw irony, I'll switch in Celsius.

(in a conference room of 5 people)
me: Do local citizens enjoy this type of weather?
person 1: Of course, it's a beautiful today. It is a bit chilly.
me: This is the temperature I set my air conditioning in my house, in Connecticut.
person 1, 2, 3, 4: HA HA HA HA HA HA.
person 1: Yes, we do have to wear sweaters to the office in NY.

I am finally comfortable. The bugs are thwarted, I'm no longer sweating my ass off just to breathe, and I can finally enjoy the scenery without running for shade. It is definitely beautiful here. The leaves are changing colors. Everyone is walking around in overcoats, scarves, hats, even some are wearing ear muffs and gloves. I'm walking the dog in shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals, whistling a happy tune.

I can't imagine what my heating bill will look like when a bill finally arrives. The floors here emanate heat. I have to open doors to the outside just to let in the fresh air, something I haven't been able to do with the constant onslaught of insects.

Yes, finally I can be happy with something as simple and polite as the weather.

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