Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More things I miss

Over coffee, one of my colleagues told me he switched to a Vegan lifestyle within the last few months. I had to ask him several questions about this when he told me. He says he doesn't miss the food he's given up, although he does see finding the food he wants to be more of a challenge. I could relate the part about finding the food I wanted being a challenge.

Near the building where I work, the building with the crazy people-grinding doors, there is a well known after-work place we frequent. The probability of seeing a colleague there is very high every night. It's close. It's convenient. It's directly next to a train station. They serve beer. But it's also branded as "an American Pub". The name of it is supposed to be modeled after what the Swiss (and the rest of the world) believe to be American. They serve hamburgers, fries, other things that are somehow fried in oils. Their hamburgers don't taste like hamburgers. They put some form of what we call Thousand Island dressing on it. It's not simple. Now I really want a US hamburger. And I want the beef to be laced with antibiotics, antimicrobials, hormones, and other non-regulated US additives. Add US home-grown genetic manipulation to this so that the cow stores more fat. If the manipulated fat tastes like bacon, great. In fact, add bacon, too. Not this flimsy prosciutto-like-pork-strips-faking-to-be-bacon. The real carcinogenic stuff.

Here's a few more things I've realized I miss:
- Men's Wearhouse: We know you'll like the way you look... cheap. I bought a suit here a couple of weeks ago. Omg. The cost of clothing here is unreal. I bought a suit because my clothes aren't fitting me any more. I'm losing weight. I'm so angry about this, too. I really did enjoy looking like that chap in the picture. I was so contented then, living with my conveniences, my hamburgers, my TV shows, driving everywhere, walking from my car to inside wherever. At this rate, I will be buying unrealistically expensive clothing, wearing them a couple of weeks, and buying more. It's ridiculous, and I've had enough. Send me real hamburgers, PLEASE!
- Cheap dry cleaning: can't say more than that.
- Cheap anything.
- Fluffy bagels with eggs and cheese. Mmmm.
- OK Joe's BBQ: Guuhhguugguguugugg.
- Noisy kids.
- Harley mufflers rolling through at 2am, rattling the house. I can't sleep with all the quiet here.
- Magazines I can read: every convenience store (brand name is Kiosk) here has rows and rows of magazines in German.
- Stag's Leap Artemis: my affinity for California red will never be surpassed by the great ones they have within proximity of these borders. I'm a snob for CA grapes. ;)
- And of course, my family and friends. At least facebook helps me keep up on their statuses, even if one of my cousin's statuses is simply "I'm pooping".

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